Magnifying or reducing the view of a diagram

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Magnifying or reducing the view of a diagram

Magnifying or reducing the view of a diagram

When you want to reduce the size of the document in the window, zoom out. When you want to magnify the document, zoom in. You can zoom in or out to a specific percentage. You can also fit the entire diagram into the window. Use the buttons in the lower left of the window to zoom in or out.

Note: Zooming in and out does not change the actual size of the document, only the magnification at which you see it. To scale symbols, see Re-sizing a symbol.


To do this…

…click this…

…or use this menu

Zoom In


Zoom In

On the View menu, choose Zoom In.

Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Zoom Out

On the View menu, choose Zoom Out.

Zoom to a specific percentage


Change Zoom Level

Choose View>Zoom, then choose a percentage from the sub-menu.

Fit the entire document into the window


Fit to Window

Choose View>Zoom, then choose Fit to Window from the sub-menu.